Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Happy "Hump" Day everyone. I hope you are all doing well :) I just wanted to take a quick moment to give you all an update about me and my YouTube channel. I know that it has been quite a while since my last video...not due to me having nothing to film, but due to poor filming equipment to say the least. All of my previous videos have been filmed on a simple point and shoot camera, which not only makes it difficult to tell if I am in frame or not but the audio that accompanies my videos is very poor. So I have ultimately decided to try and put off filming until I am able to update my filming equipment. I hope to invest in a camcorder with a swivel screen so that I can see where I am filming vs. guessing and hopefully with a better camcorder will come better audio...fingers crossed. I know that this isn't the most ideal situation, however, I much rather film higher quality videos with better quality audio than to have my viewers squint to watch my videos and wear headphones to hear them. I hope that you all will understand my reasoning here and will stick around for many many more future videos to come. I plan on updating my filming equipment within the next couple of months (hopefully...) with new videos to come soon after. I guess that will do it for today. I hope you have a great rest of your day and I will talk to you soon!